SNRPC Mission
The Southern Nevada Regional Planning Coalition’s mission is to bring together all public jurisdictions to coordinate regional planning in a seamless fashion while respecting each member’s autonomy. This requires promoting intergovernmental cooperation and trust built on careful planning and accountability, thus enhancing the quality of life in Southern Nevada. The following seven mandated priorities of the Coalition are:
Conservation, open space, and natural resource protection;
Population forecasts;
Land Use;
Public Facilities;
Air Quality; and,
Infill Development
To be the forum for regional problem solving and consensus in the region.
Build on successful planning being conducted at the local level and through regional agencies, such as; the Regional Transportation Commission, the Southern Nevada Water Authority, the Regional Flood Control District, the Clark County School District, and Clark County Air Quality.
Ensure that the actions of federal and state agency policy conform to the SNRPC Regional Policy Plan.